Maui County Council Vice-Chair
The Council’s Economic Development and Budget committee rose to the challenge of what will likely be remembered as the most strenuous Budget Session of our lifetime: “The Coronavirus Deliberations.”
The Committee worked collaboratively with the Administration, remaining flexible and responsive to residents’ needs, and acted upon community requests to invest in a “new normal” after emerging from the statewide shutdown.
- Putting Maui County on the Map –
While many other government bodies across the globe shut down, facing the unique challenges of a global pandemic and unprecedented statewide quarantine, Budget Chair Keani Rawlins-Fernandez pushed forward, working tirelessly to implement an online budget process which would fulfill her mission to maintain public participation, accepting oral testimony throughout the entire budget process.
It was through these efforts that the Committee was able to stay on track, meeting Charter mandated deadlines for the budget process, working to trim, and modify the Mayor’s proposed budget to fit the communities’ needs in light of the current pandemic and unforeseen future.
The Committee’s proposed $816.5M budget reduced the Mayor’s proposed $869.8M budget by approximately $53 million, which includes aid for residents and businesses to help recover from impacts of COVID-19, and in anticipation of receiving zero transient accommodation tax (“TAT”), as well as, shortfalls in wastewater and solid waste, due to hotels being unable to operate; and shortfalls in the highway fund, due to less fuel being used and rental cars companies potentially removing rental vehicles from Maui County.